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Rats: Character Traits and Facts

Behavior and Prevention

Rats are medium sized rodents (non-flying mammal) whose origins can be traced back nearly 56 million years ago. Rats are a diverse species but share a common feature: single paired jaw incisors and large jaw. They are active all year round and mate up to four times a year (average litter size of 8, peaking in summer and autumn). Particularly, during the colder months is when rats will enter various types of structures to seek warmth and food. It is widely known that rats live in densely populated areas, but this varies depending on climate, living conditions and other factors. If their nest is where a concentrated food supply is available, rats will often stay in that area for extended amount of time. New York City is susceptible to rat infestation due to the aging infrastructure, high moisture, sewers, and alleyways. There is a higher rate of survival in a mild climate.

The most problematic and prevalent to our area are the Norway Rat and Roof Rat. Norway Rats, or sewer rats, are stocky rodents that are larger than Roof Rats. They are known to burrow in order to create shelter, store food, and protect themselves from environmental hazards. Rats can be found beneath building foundations, rubbish, wood piles, garbage and most areas such as gardens and fields. They invade buildings and remains on ground floor and in basements. Roof Rats, or black rats, are slightly smaller than Norway rats. They are agile climbers residing above ground in shrubs, trees, and in dense vegetation like ivy, for example. People don’t often see rats, but signs are easy to detect. Rats are most often found in enclosed or elevated spaces such as attics, walls, ceilings, and cabinets.

Some interesting facts about rats: they have poor vision and cannot see in color. They will sometimes wag their head from side to side, using motion to get a better look at what’s in front of them. A group of rats is known as a “mischeif.” Rats will sometimes lay on their back and “sweat” through their feet to regulate their body temperature. They are omnivores and tend to feed on trash as well as livestock. Rats are foragers, stocking up of fruit, grain and other plant material. They are primarily nocturnal and social.

The American Red Squirrel: Behavior and Traits

The North American Red Squirrel can also be referred to as pine squirrels and chickarees. Red Squirrels differ from other North American tree squirrels in that they are smaller in size and have reddish fur with a white belly. They are actually not much bigger than chipmunks. They can also be much more territorial than the Eastern Gray Squirrel. Red Squirrels are found primarily in hardwood areas. Their diet is specialized on the seeds of conifer cones. A unique behavior trait is that they will eat the seeds of conifer cones and will pile them up against trees, marking the presence of red squirrels.

Red Squirrels nest above ground inside tree cavities, as well as, underground in excavated chambers. Nests can also be made in log piles, bird-houses, rock walls and buildings. They like to nest inside eaves and attics of homes and commercial buildings. It is also known that red squirrels with return to the same location a year later for nesting. They are a somewhat nomadic, sedentary species and often are quite defensive of their territory. It is only during breeding season red squirrels allow some infringement to their habitat. The males tend to wander and females permit males to enter their territory.

The House Mouse: Behavior and Traits

The “house mouse” belongs to the rodent family. They commonly dwell in close distance to humans. These small, furry mammals adapt in a variety of environmental conditions and can be found seeking residence (especially in colder months) in homes, commercial structures, and open fields.

The House Mouse:

They are known to be good swimmers, jumpers, climbers. Mice breed in dark areas, and reproduce nearly year round with the average litter size of 10-12 pups. Females have up to six litters with a life spanning three to four months.

Mice Around the Home: What Do They Eat, Where Do They Enter, and Why?

House mice are uniform grey of course are small creatures (7.5-10 centimeters in length and weight less than one pound). They are considered nocturnal mammals, active mostly at night. As far as the senses go, they have poor eyesight, exceptional hearing, and incredible sense of smell. Their strengths enable them to avoid predators and find food. These creatures are primarily omnivores, feeding on grains, fruit, and plants. Also, mice will easily adapt to food sources that are available. Mice seek hidden places near source of food and make nests out of soft materials. Mice will seek out entrance points as small as the size of a dime! They squeeze through the smallest openings around foundations, cracks, and utility pipes. Be aware that during the Fall and Winter months these furry little rodents seek a warm place to retreat out of the cold. They scurry through small cracks in search of something to eat, crawl through holes, chew on wood and gnaw on electrical wires. Yes, they can be quite a nuisance… causing safety hazards and structural damage to your home and even damage to crops and domestic gardens.

Skunks & Raccoons: Behaviors and Seasonal Lawn Damage

Skunks are widely recognized for their unique black and white striped markings and foul odor they can leave behind. Their notorious defensive mechanism is to spray when threatened.


These creatures belong to the weasel family and are typically 15 to 37 inches long. Skunks weight ranges from 1.1 pound up to 18 pounds. Their short, well muscled legs and long claws are ideal for digging. Skunks are solitary, nocturnal animals, spending the day sleeping in dark places such as porches and burrows. Skunks are known to dig up lawns and make their own burrows that can be 3-4 feet deep, 6-20 feet long. Most commonly, they dig in search of grubs and worms. Skunks have excellent smell and hearing, but poor vision. They are vulnerable to road traffic as they cannot see clearly more than about 10 feet away. Skunks have a short lifespan in the wild (no longer than three years). In captivity, it has been documented that skunks may live up to ten to fifteen years.


Raccoons are medium, well-rounded mammals with reddish brown grey fur. Their unique black “mask” facial pattern is a recognizable physical trait. Raccoons on average weigh 15 pounds. They are strong, fierce creatures and possess extremely dexterous front paws. When threatened, raccoons will use their agility, strength, sharp teeth and claws to defend themselves. Racoons, originally thought to be solitary mammals, are in fact social beings. Females have been documented to share common grounds for feeding and resting. Raccoons have remarkable sensory perception. Their paws lack and opposable thumb, but this creates no hindrance of their agile hands. Their sense of smell is vital for communication at night, as well as incredible hearing sense. Raccoons, similar to skunks, have poor vision and are color blind.


Skunks and Raccoons possess similar behavior traits. They are both nocturnal (active at night) creatures. They share common feeding and dwelling habits and can contract and spread rabies. Raccoons and Skunks are both known to cause seasonal lawn damage. Both can dig up lawns in search of grubs to eat. This usually happens at night. Skunk yard damage can be recognized by divots and quarter-sized holes, whereas Raccoon damage can leave huge chunks of grass missing and completely tear apart a lawn. This is a common activity during the Fall months.


Westchester Wildlife LLC offers an array of preventive services related to Skunks and Raccoons. Whether its trapping and relocating, removal, or property inspection, Westchester Wildlife can help resolve the nuisance the animal has caused. For lawn damage, we can refer a landscaper to treat grubs and prevent future damage.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with Skunk or Raccoon Removal and you are in one of our service counties, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, or Fairfield:
Please Contact Westchester Wildlife LLC to schedule an inspection today!
914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673




Common Snake Species in New York State

New York Snakes: Garter Snake

It could be a common belief amongst many people that snakes are a feared species. Of the 17 species known in New York State, these scaly, legless, carnivorous creatures have an esteemed purpose to our habitat. Snakes are also another part of our wildlife chain that can be found around our homes seeking food, shelter or mates.  Also addressed are the reasons you may find snakes in your home, problems they can cause and how Westchester Wildlife LLC can assist in Snake Removal.

New York’s most common snake is the garter snake. Like all snakes, they are carnivores. They can be seen as a valued creature for their ability to kill insect pests and rodents. Garter snakes are known to feed on slugs, leeches, lizards, frog eggs, and toads. These snakes can be found in an array of habitats such as woodlands, fields, marshes, and yards. Garter snakes may reach up to two feet in length but are usually smaller. Their colors and patterns can vary but most often recognized as dark brown or green with three yellowish stripes on their sides and back. Garter snakes are harmless to people. It is likely most snakes will hide and retreat when approached but can strike at large prey and threatening humans.

New York Snakes: Black Rat Snake

The longest snake in New York is the Black Rat Snake, reaching six feet in length. These non-venomous, constrictor snakes are mostly black patterned with white and grey. They are typically found in wooded areas (near barns, farmyards, cool, dark places) and feed primarily on rodents and birds. These snakes have the impressive ability to attack their prey by coiling small animals by means of constriction. Black Rat Snakes are known to hatch their eggs in late summer. Recent studies have shown that this species may in fact possess a small amount of venom. However, still pose no threat to humans.

Snakes Removal From Your Home:

You may encounter Garter or Black Rat Snakes around or in your home for the main reason that they are seeking food and shelter. Snakes can come into houses during sudden weather changes especially when temperatures drop and they seek a warm place. If the space and food are desirable, they will return. It is important to seal openings that are accessible at ground level. For example, water pipes, electrical outlets, gas/oil pipes, windows and doors should be properly sealed.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with Snake Removal and you are in one of our service counties, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, or Fairfield please contact Westchester Wildlife to schedule an inspection today!
Please call: 914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673

The Northern Flying Squirrel

It’s 3 o’clock in the morning. You wake up to something scratching and running around above your head in the ceiling. What can it be? Wait, it sounds like there could be more than one! What are they doing up there…bowling? The noise continues through the night until early morning and then finally subsides. Too afraid to investigate the attic yourself (for fear of running into the animal), you call Westchester Wildlife LLC: The experts in Animal Removal since 1986.

Our secretary answers and informs you the noises could be that of a nocturnal animal. Bats, mice, flying squirrels, raccoons are all animals that are active at night and can take up residence in your attic. After hearing the description, our technician concludes the possibility that flying squirrels could be making these noises. An inspection is scheduled to search the attic to be 100 percent sure our instincts are correct. It is not uncommon there can multiple animal problems in one attic. The scratching sounds above your head could be one of several scenarios we’ve come across as Wildlife Removal Experts. The sounds you hear could even be additional critters infesting other areas of the house. In fact, the animal(s) may have been in the attic for a good amount of time living on top of the insulation. You’ve done the right thing by calling Westchester Wildlife LLC. Our inspection services will determine the source of the problem and how to properly remove the animal from your home.

Northern Flying Squirrel: A Background and Behavior

Let’s take a closer look at flying squirrels. What are they? Where do they come from? What kind of damage can they do to my home?

Flying Squirrels are the type of squirrel you might find in your attic in the United States. Also known as the Northern Flying Squirrel, these squirrels can be found in coniferous and mixed forests across the top of North America, from Alaska to Nova Scotia, south to North Carolina and west to California. Northern Flying Squirrel glide distances between 5 and 25 meters (or roughly 16 feet to 82 feet) though they have been observed to glide up to 45 meters (147 feet).

These nocturnal, arboreal rodents have thick, light brown or cinnamon fur on their upper body. A furry membrane called a patagium that extends between the front and rear leg and allows the animal to glide through the air. It’s greyish on the flanks and whitish underneath. Flying Squirrels have large eyes and a flat tail. They can also be identified by their long whiskers, common to nocturnal mammals. An adult Northern Flying Squirrel measures from 25 to 37 cm long (or 9 to 14 inches) and their weight can range from 110 to 230 grams, or 3 to 8 ounces (Wells-Gosling 1985).

Presidential Raccoon
Summer Bees Continued

Types of Bees Common in Summer

It is very common to see several types of bees during spring, summer, and fall. This time of year we can expect yellow jackets and hornets to be prevalent in Westchester County and surrounding areas.

This year in particular there has been an influx of bees mainly related to a mild winter and hot summer. The more temperatures increase, the more active it seems these insects become.

Characteristics of Yellow Jackets and Hornets:

Yellow jackets are typically ground bees, but also know to nest in many other locations. These North American predatory wasps have the nature to be dangerous and known to build hives two inches to two feet underground. Sometimes they will use an abandoned burrow made by a mole or mouse. Their tendency to build nests in trees, shrubs, and under decks can cause a potential hazard for homeowners. There even lies the possibility that hornets and yellow jackets can be inside a structure or wall. Crackling, sounds of rustling leaves may be an indication that the bees are building their hives inside a structure (hollow walls, attics, flooring, sheds, home siding and eaves of houses).

Yellow jackets aggravate easily and have a nature to be very aggressive. Midsummer is when adult worker bees emerge for nest expansion. They wander in search for food, caring for the queen and larvae, as well as defending the colony. From now until her death in autumn, the queen will remain in the nest and lay eggs. The colony rapidly expands in size by late summer.

Hornets (eusocial wasps) and bald-faced hornets are some of the most physically strongest stinging insects one can encounter. Hornets have a much more dangerous sting. They sting to protect and defend their hive and to kill prey. The sting is more painful to humans due to the highly toxic nature of their venom. Hornets have been known to sting even through protective clothing. Similarly, hornets and yellow jacket wasps do not die after a sting because the stinger is not pulled out of its body. A paper-like substance makes up both of their nests created by chewing slivers of wood mixed with starch and saliva. Hornet’s nests are found typically during spring in dark, sheltered spaces like tree trunks. This “football” teardrop-shaped nest are entirely exterior found also in trees, shrubs, and under decks.

Extra Facts:
Bees hate vibration. The use of lawnmowers cause a rumble and can stir the bees from their hive. Take caution around your property.

How Westchester Wildlife Can Help!
If you or someone you know needs assistance with Bee Removal and you are in one of our service counties, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, or Fairfield please contact Westchester Wildlife to schedule an inspection today!
914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673

Honey bees: Nuisance, Necessity, and What’s Happening Now

Why we need honey bees:

Honey bees are pollinators and vital to our ecosystem. They are responsible for pollinating nearly one-third of the food we eat. This is an estimated value of 15 billion per year.

Without a sustained bee population, produce could dramatically raise in cost and the food industry would risk losing billions of dollars. Bee extinction will cause a severe food chain collapse. Honey bees are known for their production and storage of honey and beeswax. Honey is made from the nectar of flowers and used in a variety of foods and sweeteners. Honey has a variety of medical applications and can be used as a healthy antioxidant, allergen reducer, and cough suppressor. Beeswax is used in food production, pharmaceutical cosmetics and other common products such as candles, shoe polishes, and lip balms. In brief, we are reminded how honey bees are an asset to our way of life.

Factors affecting the honey bee population:

Since 2006, there has been a major disturbance to the bee population. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a hive abruptly disappears. The actual explanation is somewhat undefined, but water pollution, parasitic mites, pesticides, disease, and urbanization have been documented as contributing causes. A highly toxic clothianidin (insecticide) marketed by Bayer CropScience is a suspected agent responsible for the worldwide honey bee demise.

Our climate changes and unpredictable weather patterns in the recent years has disrupted the natural cycle of honey bees. Warm weather disturbs the feeding cycle, putting hives at risk by supplementing natural food sources. Higher temperatures may increase the growth rate of fungi and viruses that wreaked bee colonies. The mild winter and extreme heat has enabled honey bees to swarm at a higher rate than usual. The NY Times recently reported an unusual number of active swarms around the city this spring as a result of warm temperatures and beekeeper’s poorly managed hives.

What’s Happening Now:

Did you know that honey bees are not native to our country? The species can be traced back to South Asia where most of the the known fossil deposits originated from. In 1999, the Giuliani administration added honey bees to the list of prohibited (exotic and dangerous) animal list. In efforts to keep the bee population thriving, beekeeper Andrew Cote waged a successful campaign against the city’s ban which was lifted in 2010. This year, more than ever Westchester Wildlife LLC has come across dozens of nests and swarms in our service areas.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with Bee Removal and you are in one of our service counties, Westchester, Putnam, Duchess, Rockland, or Fairfield please contact Westchester Wildlife to schedule an inspection today!
Call: 914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673

Summer Wildlife: Bats and Their Impact on the Environment

Bats are mammals whose webbed wings make them the only mammals capable of flight. These unique winged creatures have been depicted in myths and stories as vicious blood sucking mammals, generating needless fears for humankind. As a result, their benefits to our ecosystem seem to be overlooked and their nature to be misunderstood.

Seventy percent of bats are insectivores. Primarily bats prey at night and it is known that a single bat can eat up to 1,000 insects in a single hour. A pregnant female can consume the equivalent of her entire body weight in insects each night. Breeding season occurs in the spring, having one to three liters in a season. Females are very strategic with the timing of their pregnancy and birth of their young as they aim to coincide with food availability and favorable ecological conditions. Female bats instinctually will delay fertilization for months, storing sperm until the following spring. For such small bodies, bats surprisingly have long life spans. They can live over 20 years (some up to 32 years), making them the world’s longest lived mammal for it’s size. However, bat population growth is limited by the slow birth rate.

Let’s discuss bats and their beneficial impact on our environment. It is very easy to go about our day-to-day lives unaware of how it all keeps turning, yet if a huge staple of our ecosystem diminished, we would know. Bats are pollinators and seed-dispersers of countless trees, plants, and shrubs. Without pollination, gradually ecosystems would die. Plants would cease to provide food for wildlife, the base of our food chain. If our plants die there could be a serious breakdown in our ecosystem. Bats consuming so many insects also lessen our reliance on pesticides in agriculture.

Since 2006, a plague known as “white nose syndrome” has killed nearly 5.5 million bats nationwide in 19 states. The fungal infection originated in a cave in Albany, NY where a vast majority of the hundreds of thousands of bats are known to hibernate. The white fungus grows on the face, wings, and bodies of hibernating bats. Bats who have been afflicted lose fat stored and sometimes behave oddly, flying outside caves during winter months searching for food. This past winter some more points of the syndrome have become clear: some bats survive for several years indicating that the syndrome isn’t deadly.

Bat Emergencies In Your Home:

Since bats are valuable and we need them around, this doesn’t mean we want them in our homes. The new plague affecting bats has made extermination and pesticides illegal to use against them. Therefore, bats are removed by a method known as “exclusion.” This method remains the most effective and best way to control bats in a structure. If you or someone you know needs assistance with Bat Removal and you are in one of our service counties, Westchester, Putnam, Duchess, Rockland, or Fairfield please contact Westchester Wildlife to schedule an inspection today!
914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673