Summer Bees Continued

Types of Bees Common in Summer

It is very common to see several types of bees during spring, summer, and fall. This time of year we can expect yellow jackets and hornets to be prevalent in Westchester County and surrounding areas.

This year in particular there has been an influx of bees mainly related to a mild winter and hot summer. The more temperatures increase, the more active it seems these insects become.

Characteristics of Yellow Jackets and Hornets:

Yellow jackets are typically ground bees, but also know to nest in many other locations. These North American predatory wasps have the nature to be dangerous and known to build hives two inches to two feet underground. Sometimes they will use an abandoned burrow made by a mole or mouse. Their tendency to build nests in trees, shrubs, and under decks can cause a potential hazard for homeowners. There even lies the possibility that hornets and yellow jackets can be inside a structure or wall. Crackling, sounds of rustling leaves may be an indication that the bees are building their hives inside a structure (hollow walls, attics, flooring, sheds, home siding and eaves of houses).

Yellow jackets aggravate easily and have a nature to be very aggressive. Midsummer is when adult worker bees emerge for nest expansion. They wander in search for food, caring for the queen and larvae, as well as defending the colony. From now until her death in autumn, the queen will remain in the nest and lay eggs. The colony rapidly expands in size by late summer.

Hornets (eusocial wasps) and bald-faced hornets are some of the most physically strongest stinging insects one can encounter. Hornets have a much more dangerous sting. They sting to protect and defend their hive and to kill prey. The sting is more painful to humans due to the highly toxic nature of their venom. Hornets have been known to sting even through protective clothing. Similarly, hornets and yellow jacket wasps do not die after a sting because the stinger is not pulled out of its body. A paper-like substance makes up both of their nests created by chewing slivers of wood mixed with starch and saliva. Hornet’s nests are found typically during spring in dark, sheltered spaces like tree trunks. This “football” teardrop-shaped nest are entirely exterior found also in trees, shrubs, and under decks.

Extra Facts:
Bees hate vibration. The use of lawnmowers cause a rumble and can stir the bees from their hive. Take caution around your property.

How Westchester Wildlife Can Help!
If you or someone you know needs assistance with Bee Removal and you are in one of our service counties, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, or Fairfield please contact Westchester Wildlife to schedule an inspection today!
914-760-5713 or 800-273-6673