The House Mouse: Behavior and Traits

The “house mouse” belongs to the rodent family. They commonly dwell in close distance to humans. These small, furry mammals adapt in a variety of environmental conditions and can be found seeking residence (especially in colder months) in homes, commercial structures, and open fields.

The House Mouse:

They are known to be good swimmers, jumpers, climbers. Mice breed in dark areas, and reproduce nearly year round with the average litter size of 10-12 pups. Females have up to six litters with a life spanning three to four months.

Mice Around the Home: What Do They Eat, Where Do They Enter, and Why?

House mice are uniform grey of course are small creatures (7.5-10 centimeters in length and weight less than one pound). They are considered nocturnal mammals, active mostly at night. As far as the senses go, they have poor eyesight, exceptional hearing, and incredible sense of smell. Their strengths enable them to avoid predators and find food. These creatures are primarily omnivores, feeding on grains, fruit, and plants. Also, mice will easily adapt to food sources that are available. Mice seek hidden places near source of food and make nests out of soft materials. Mice will seek out entrance points as small as the size of a dime! They squeeze through the smallest openings around foundations, cracks, and utility pipes. Be aware that during the Fall and Winter months these furry little rodents seek a warm place to retreat out of the cold. They scurry through small cracks in search of something to eat, crawl through holes, chew on wood and gnaw on electrical wires. Yes, they can be quite a nuisance… causing safety hazards and structural damage to your home and even damage to crops and domestic gardens.